
An April Spring Mood Board

March 28, 2022

I'm Julia!

I'm here to share my skills and knowledge within food, photography, design, freelance business and beyond.


Spring is here, and with the seasonal depression lifting, I decided to try a website called Landing Space to make an April Spring Mood Board. Maybe it will become a monthly thing. šŸ˜‰ Highly recommend Landing Space to anyone looking for a super fun space to digitally mood board and get all your thoughts out visually. Already Iā€™ll say their community team has been super lovely and their platform is free and really easy to use. In the past, Iā€™ve just used PowerPoint/Keynote or Canva and I canā€™t express how much more fun this is.

You can also link each image out to a website and add a description, so when youā€™re scrolling over the published board it could also be shoppable. How cool is that? Anywho.. read on…

April Mood Board for monthly inspiration and visual motivation quotes and fun colors

In terms of mood boards, I am a huge visual inspiration person and this helps me keep top of mind my goals, on any type of basis, weekly, monthly, yearly. It serves as a visual journal of sorts. Thatā€™s also why I LOVE Pinterest (where all these images are from). I use both Landing Space and Pinterest for these reasons.

To make Aprilā€™s springy mood board, Iā€™ve been working on developing my color palette for āœØJule TonesāœØ that you can see in the background. Color serves as my motivation and inspiration on a daily basis. Lots of natural elements too, a blue sky, a body of water, green leaves or trees, vibrant foods, flowers.


On top of that, Iā€™m always a sucker for a positive affirmation, for me this month ā€œI make money while I sleep,ā€ ā€œOne day at a time,ā€ and ā€œNo risk, no magic,ā€ have been big themes. Passive income has been on my mind a lot (buzz word, I know), but I want passive income to be a part of my future life and business so Iā€™ve been taking the time to consume a lot of educational info around it. ā€œNo risk, no magic,ā€ on the other hand, is a reminder to consistently take bold steps towards the person I want to be every day and the life I want to create.

It may sound cheesy but these little reminders really do help me stay grounded and focused on the life and business Iā€™m trying to create. These reminders inspire me to show up with a little more energy on that zoom call with a colleague or a client. It pushes me to start that conversation with a small business owner or that random person at the coffee shop with great shoes. They’re a reminder to me that life is short and I can be grateful for the color of the sky, the fun red coat I pull on as I walk out the door, or the small smile I share with someone on the street.

Warmer Weather Inspo

My other imagery in the mood board reminds me that, again, IT’S FINALLY SPRING! And, Iā€™m headed to Florida in April for three weeks to spend time with my parents in the Keys. I cannot express my excitement to be headed to that sunshine. I canā€™t wait to wear all my summer white and fun color and patterned bathing suits. The photo of the group of ladies on the right is a reminder of one of my other goals for the month, to seek out and work on developing a creative community. Iā€™ve been feeling a lack in this area of my life, so if anyone has any tips or fun groups/events I should join, let ya girl know.

Finally, warmer weather also comes with grilling food on the deck, *cue aspirational grilling pic* and yummy toasts for breakfast with fresh fruits and veggies (my absolutely favorite aside from my regular morning smoothie). Iā€™m trying to get to the local farmers market more this year, so wish me luck on that.

What’s Up Next

Let me know if we think I should post another April Spring Mood Board, but for May (Birthday month! Yay Gemini season) and explain my monthly mood boards on here? Link out to products I have and want? Books I want to read? Also maybe go follow me on Landing Space? Question mark? (I’m making boards like a madwoman)

Okay, have a good day! Iā€™m rooting for you! Byeeee.

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  1. Julianne says:

    I love a mood board and seasonal intention – thanks for sharing about landing space, I’m excited to try it! Love the color palette you curated and the affirmations shared šŸ™‚ Excited to see more mood boards, especially the seasonal food pics – those toasts look amazing!

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I'm Julia, your new photo savvy friend.

Originally from upstate New York, I grew up in a town that not-so-famously has more cows than people. My parents owned a flower shop so at 18-months-old, I was standing on the counter asking customers, "How can I help you?". You can say without a doubt, that design and customer service are entwined in the very fiber of my being.

more about me